I have been reading all about swapping out the suspension on my 97 Ovation with a phazer setup. My buddy just gave me a chassis for a 95 ski doo summit. The rear suspension is complete: it has a short track with a rail extensions that make it a 136"x1.25". My question is will that suspension fit in the Ovation? (I'm trying to make my kid a beginner off trail sled that she can learn from. I figured a Ovation with a 136", tall bars and a geared down chain case should do the trick.) I noticed the rear suspension on the ski doo seems to sit pretty high when compared to the Ovation and Phazers. Is it possible to make the doo suspension sit lower so the Ovation is more "level"?
Thanks for comments and suggestions... When get all the parts together, I will start my build post.
Thanks, Rb
Thanks for comments and suggestions... When get all the parts together, I will start my build post.
Thanks, Rb
For 11 years I had a factory made Yamaha Ovation 136" for my 3 kids.
( sold it last year to a friend of mine )
Great sled except for the stock carburetor.
I changed the stock 136" track to a 136" x 15" x 1.0" from an Yamaha Venture-700
( sold it last year to a friend of mine )
Great sled except for the stock carburetor.
I changed the stock 136" track to a 136" x 15" x 1.0" from an Yamaha Venture-700
85L-W4753-01-00 ovation track drive sprocket.
88L-W4753-00-00 enticer II track drive sprocket.
looks like it should be a 2.52 pitch track according to the part #.
as to the suspension, i do not see why it would not work as long as it is mounted in the proper places in the tunnel. might only need to run the spring looser or a lighter one altogether for your daughters weight.
88L-W4753-00-00 enticer II track drive sprocket.
looks like it should be a 2.52 pitch track according to the part #.
as to the suspension, i do not see why it would not work as long as it is mounted in the proper places in the tunnel. might only need to run the spring looser or a lighter one altogether for your daughters weight.