Tapatalk Plug-in is still giving us problems. So all Tapatalk users will not be able to log in with the app. We will keep working on the issue. Sorry Tapatalk has terrible support.
Active member
Has this been resolved? I can only find the 4 stroke forum when I search on tapatalk. I had deleted the 2 stroke forum a while back when I was having issues.
Has this been resolved? I can only find the 4 stroke forum when I search on tapatalk. I had deleted the 2 stroke forum a while back when I was having issues.
All of Tapatalk on all sites at this time is disabled. Its still not resolved and it puts to much load on the server. We checked the App last week and it was not resolved.
It looks like Tapatalk has started to be a pain in the butt again. The TapaTalk user will not notice the slow down on the phone but the normal PC , Phone and Tablet user that is working with the forum on their NON Tapatalk machines will see the problems. Very slow to like something, slow to post slow to search... please let me know what you guys are seeing.
I have disabled Tapatalk once again but this time due to security breach in its scrips. We can no longer support them unless they get the bugs worked out and fix the security holes. We were compromised yesterday and spent an entire day trying to fix the issues.