2000 srx against the 850 doo?

I can tell you first hand that a 850 will do 116 stock with my 185 lbs on it, i raced that same sled with my apex and he beat me my sled has ulmer clutching so its good i've got 114 on gps. People say my sled needs more miles to break in though, 700 miles.I'll try it again after 1000 miles.
Get a good hole shot and race 400 feet. By then you might be seeing tail lights. Not that my SRX is the best and I'm sure I need to work it more to be closer to the 850. But I ride 85% trail
Stock for stock the 850 will get you, they have the hp and they're lite
You'll have a better Chance at a longer distance and clutch for it
4 strokes need over 2000mi before they start to wake up usually.

Thank goodness There is my answer. I had to totally reclutch my 2011 Apex until it breaks in. Still oy 1500 miles on it. Bought it new in 2014 as a left over
Well i figure those 850's eat belts and also have been known to catch fire so i figure on a good run he will blow a belt then he'll never catch up . I knew my srx was faster lol.
