Carbs or Ignition? It back fires so badly at idle or easing into the throttle it blows the pipe away from the muffles. Even with the choke on it wont move or rev past 1000 rpm.
New member
Sounds a lot like an ignition problem. I have had a bad plug cap cause problems like that but it was more intermittent. Sounds more like the timing is off. Maybe the key in the flywheel? Did it happen all of the sudden? Are the magnets on the flywheel rusty? Possible pickup coil going bad. Maybe check the phase on the crank. Probably not it but that is pretty easy to rule out. When was the last time carbs were cleaned? Maybe broken reed but I would think it would blow back through the carb too(I have never had a broken reed so I am not sure). Just throwing ideas around.
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