How’s a srx in the ditches?


Jul 24, 2012
Central Iowa
Well I’m back! Long story short I sold both my vipers to pay off student loans then later bought a 440 cat because I thought it would be fun in the ditches, light and snappy. It was nothing but trouble, so I sold it. Here in Iowa all of our trails are primarily ditches and fields. The vipers were great, but I’ve always wanted an srx and I have never had the opportunity to ride one. I’ve always heard they are a little stiff. Is it all that bad?

Ya no way in hell an srx is good in the ditch!!!!! Lol, better keep it on the flat groomed trail!!!!!

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That’s why I sold my srx 600 and went with a viper.

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They are not ideal, but I am finding my age is a bigger factor on how comfortable a sled is in the ditches, LOL. In other words if you can handle jarring your body and manipulating a heavy sled all day it may be okay for you.
you can do any thing to the srx.the stock sled is for the lake or the flat trail.put in the Doo sc10-3 or the cat.change out the front end to for long travle & wha la you got a ditch will have to inspect it every spring for loose bolts or cracked something.thats the down side of a ditch banger!!!.good luck.
Sounds like I’ll just stick to a viper. At least I know them well! I most of all wanted a srx because it would be triple piped from factory and I would have less work to do. Both my vipers were piped and I’m sure I’ll end up doing that again.
