Sadly I found out my baby seized up last Friday. I rebuilt 3 years aga w/less that 100 miles on since, no snow or $$$ money to ride lol. I am thinking exhaust side ring or possibly bearing(s). Sled was fine last year, and start of this year (didn't even put on a two miles this year). I noticed last time I had it out this year I fouled the exhaust side plug and did at the end of last year as well... went to change them Friday w/a gently pull and Nada... I am so defeated, make offer.... or TBD till the spring.
My SKIDOO is running great though!!!
My SKIDOO is running great though!!!
are you getting rid of it? I am looking for a clean 2000srx, motor repair is not a problem for me.
New member
is it seized from just sitting ? if so, pour a little bit of kerosene in the plug holes and work the primary back and forth everyday until she breaks free. I had an old 78 skidoo olyimpac 340 that sat for about 6 years unused that was my first sled when I was 15. My shop teacher told me that trick and it worked.
Thinking about it, it is still pretty fresh in the mind and I am beyond depressed about it. I would say it is in good shape considering.
Yami, I did get it to break loose but just seams tight, don't know if cylinder or bearing as if yet... I had her running three weeks ago but exhaust side cylinder was missing and I had no more plugs. Couldn't tell if fouled plug or if spark was down. I did put a bunch of penetrating and yami lube in there, I just have yet to put the compression tester on her and have been too depressed and sore from riding over weekend. Mr Viper you are welcome to PM me.
Yami, I did get it to break loose but just seams tight, don't know if cylinder or bearing as if yet... I had her running three weeks ago but exhaust side cylinder was missing and I had no more plugs. Couldn't tell if fouled plug or if spark was down. I did put a bunch of penetrating and yami lube in there, I just have yet to put the compression tester on her and have been too depressed and sore from riding over weekend. Mr Viper you are welcome to PM me.