2000 Yamaha Mountain max 700 with cracked saw on the track


New member
Jan 16, 2009
A buddy bought 2000 Yamaha Mountain max 700 which was sitting for 7 years.
Its Yokohama track has crack on the bottom of the saw only at the wheel corner. The other part of track is OK. Will this track break soon or run several years until some of saw gone away?

Thanks in advance.

2000 Yamaha Mountain max 700.jpg2000 Yamaha Mountain max 700-2.jpg
run it till it sheds some paddles. i have sleds that are 30+ years old with cracks like that on track and they still are going. i have one to replace this season but the last guy spun it on rocks hard.
Just run it. I've torn many lugs off my MM and I am still riding it. Watch out for your bearings though, due to vibration.
Thank you very much to those who have responded. I will try E6000. I will be careful with bearings and rusty clips.

But, the owner is afraid of trouble on the mountain, so he wanted to change newer 144 track with extensions if cheap 144 track is available.
I found and got on e-bay very rare Yamaha OEM extensions 141 to 144.
So we are planning to get 144 track from USA. Shipping cost is not expensive. Listed price of tracks are 2 or 3 times higher than these e-bay ones in Japan.
The number of Snowmobiles in Japan may be less than 1/100 comparing to USA, it a reaNos Yamaha Snowmobile Susp. Rail Extend KIT 8DP-RALEX-PL-AT 8DP-COLLR-32-10.jpg144tracks.jpgson.
You should look into the composit brand tracks. They have only been on the market in the US for a few years, got good reviews are 2 ply and are cheaper and have a better warranty than the camso tracks.
We bought 144 X 2 CHALLENGER TRACK PART# 9875M from USA.
We rarely have deep snow. This is video of the last season.
I can say w/ certainty that TY hasn't gotten any shots from mountains in Japan. Please try to snap a few photos next time you're are the top of the world.
Did you go w/ the 1.5 Crossover track?
I started disassemble of the sled.


I found the speed meter side setscrews were loosen.

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I am wondering how to add extension plate.
The plates have 6 holes. I think 2 holes will be bolted with original rail and 4 holes will be bolted with tension adjuster.
These ext. plates are designed to add 1.5 inches (3 inches/2 ,Mountain Max's 141 to 144 track) . 1.5 inches is close 35 mm (distance of the holes).
Is that correct?

Yamaha 8DPRALEXPLAT, Rail Extend Track
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