1990 polaris sprint fix up


Super Moderator
Mar 13, 2004
sudbury on. canada
gf bought a 1990 polaris sprint for her god daughter for $250.00 that ran and drove. i got volunetold to help fix it up for the kid. stock skid and track are scrap other than some wheels that i can save. as it already has 2.52 pitch drivers on it, i am putting a decent 1" take off track from a 2009 phazer with a 1992 ish phazer II 121" skid. already know i need to make some 1/4" plates to mount the skid as the phazer tunnel is 17" and the sprint tunnel is 17-1/2". what i need to know is if there are any tricks having to mount the skid in the tunnel to retain ski pressure on older leaf spring sleds.
Center of drive axle back and top of tunnel down measurements from the Phazer II (unless driver diameter is different than Phazer) is what you need to mount the skid in order to keep tunnel clearance and track tension adjustability.

Ski pressure will be a skid adjustment issue.

If the Phazer drivers are larger you would want to move the mount holes a little further to the rear. Measure the difference in diameter and divide that number by 2. That's how much further back over stock Phazer measurements.

Well the phazer has 8 tooth stock and the Sprint has 6 tooth. Drive axle is 9mm to centre from top of tunnel on sprint. The phazer is 14.5 mm. Looking like I only need to map mount plate pattern as there does not look to be a need for drop brackets on the sprint.
well just got the dang thing together and now i need to tear it apart. polaris told me drivers on it where 2.52 pitch and they are not. they are 2 pitch. getting a set of 7 tooth drivers that i will get machined down some to try and make it so that i do not need to mod the front of the tunnel. also even with compensating for driver size and adding, skid still needs to go farther back but with the driver size change i might get away with it.
yup and the guy who has been doing polaris parts for at least 20 years, who still didn't know, that the pitch was different. heck he is the one that told me it was 2.52 pitch.
well time for an update on this bugger. got the 7 tooth drivers installed on the shaft and turned down 1/4" smaller. then discovered that the top of the tunnel needed to be raised at least 1/2" to get them in with the track in the right spot. put the phazer II skid in and discovered a bunch of rivits and the steel bulk head needed a tweak to make me happy with it turning it over by hand. now i need to close the front up and fab a tunnel extension and new rear bumper. going to use a gytr 09 phazer rear bumper i have because it fits inside of the tunnel and is set up for a tunnel extension. i can see the finished product. a lot of damn work let me tell you.
well the little bugger is done. made its 1st laps around my yard on sunday. discovered i actually did not have to drop the suspension for the rivits in the top of the tunnel as the old bearing was thicker on the clutch side. once my buddy found the issue and i put a spacer in, it works like a dream now. just need to adjust the brakes to finish it off before it is given to a kid.

at one point i was mad enough at this thing to set it on fire or run it over with an excavator.
can do!

gf has pics of the whole process as it is for her god child. wants to show her how much work it took to get to where it is.
tunnel extension and grab bar. used a 09 gytr phazer acessory bumper that was wrong for what i needed and a plate cut and bent to fit.


might be a touch long but works as a carrying spot for stuff too.

this is a pic of how i had to releive the tunnel to clear the 1" track with the cut down 7 tooth 2.52 pitch driverss.
drivers where made 1/2" smaller in diameter.

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well the kid recived it yesterday and loved it. we made them hunt for them in the bush using a gps with a pin dropped on the map for where they where hidden in the bush 2 weeks ago. she was in shock at first but was geared up and doing laps in the yard within 20 min.
time for an update on this. 2 weekends ago i got to put some trail miles on this sled and other than being slow off of the line, the little bugger rips. going to need shocks for next year and fuel pick-up fixed but it moves and handles pretty good in the trails. still ran away from the girls in the trail on it and they where running 2011 and 2016 apex xtx's lol.
