750 V max Jetting

stormin norman

New member
Feb 10, 2008
I need some advice boyz. I have a stock 1992 - 750c V max 4. I purchased a set ( two) of aftermarket stingers to replace the stock exhaust can in hopes of waking up my Vmax. I don't know what brand they are but they fit in the sled very good. What I need to know is do I need to go up in jet size or can I stay with the stock ones that are in the sled now? Also can the clutching stay stock or do I need to change the primary spring?Any info on this would be help full. Thanks
92 jetting is rich. Mains are 140. I ran 135's on my 93 with psi quads for years. If anything I would go leaner. But I ran in Michigan at low elevation 600-1000 msl. If you really want to wake it up get a hauck orange spring and tall cover. It be careful loading it on the trailer!
