Helmt's heated visor - dry land testing?


Dec 18, 2018
North Ontario
Helmet's heated visor - dry land testing?

I got my eyes set on a lightly "used" Sled Helmet with included heated visor and included cord. It was only worn a few times and its pictures appear in perfect shape. Being a remote location (and security in mind), the seller wants to meet me at a coffee shop - instead of at his house. I often do the same but wonder if he's selling broken goods (which I got burned with before).

With above in mind, how do I "dry land" test this helmet's heated visor?

For example:
A - Connect a fresh 9 Volt alkaline battery via small alligator clamps and see if it works?
B - Connect a digital volt meter and validate its ohms resistance? re: 10.5 - 11.5 ohms range???
C - Some other method?

Thanks for helping this newbie...
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Thanks for your feedback.

For some reason, I cannot find my "digital volt meter". I ordered a new one but it won't arrive for another 18+ days. Guess I will "take a risk" and hope it works - since I cannot field test it.
