Helmet's heated visor - dry land testing?
I got my eyes set on a lightly "used" Sled Helmet with included heated visor and included cord. It was only worn a few times and its pictures appear in perfect shape. Being a remote location (and security in mind), the seller wants to meet me at a coffee shop - instead of at his house. I often do the same but wonder if he's selling broken goods (which I got burned with before).
With above in mind, how do I "dry land" test this helmet's heated visor?
For example:
A - Connect a fresh 9 Volt alkaline battery via small alligator clamps and see if it works?
B - Connect a digital volt meter and validate its ohms resistance? re: 10.5 - 11.5 ohms range???
C - Some other method?
Thanks for helping this newbie...
I got my eyes set on a lightly "used" Sled Helmet with included heated visor and included cord. It was only worn a few times and its pictures appear in perfect shape. Being a remote location (and security in mind), the seller wants to meet me at a coffee shop - instead of at his house. I often do the same but wonder if he's selling broken goods (which I got burned with before).
With above in mind, how do I "dry land" test this helmet's heated visor?
For example:
A - Connect a fresh 9 Volt alkaline battery via small alligator clamps and see if it works?
B - Connect a digital volt meter and validate its ohms resistance? re: 10.5 - 11.5 ohms range???
C - Some other method?
Thanks for helping this newbie...
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Super Moderator
Tough one. Even when working you can’t tell by feel that they get hot. May be able to check resistance from plug in to contacts on shield.
Thanks for your feedback.
For some reason, I cannot find my "digital volt meter". I ordered a new one but it won't arrive for another 18+ days. Guess I will "take a risk" and hope it works - since I cannot field test it.
For some reason, I cannot find my "digital volt meter". I ordered a new one but it won't arrive for another 18+ days. Guess I will "take a risk" and hope it works - since I cannot field test it.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
A 9 volt and a non-contact thermometer?
You should get about 12 ohms across the contacts if the shield is good.