Went through the sled when I got it and have put on about 4500kms in 3 seasons.
I put new bearings in the whole skid, the chain case, as well as the jack shaft and driveshaft. Change the chain case oil every year.
Should I be going through everything again?
I put new bearings in the whole skid, the chain case, as well as the jack shaft and driveshaft. Change the chain case oil every year.
Should I be going through everything again?
New member
Your probably fine. Three seasons ago I changed all my bearings in every boggy wheels, chaincase, jack & drive shaft and everything is still tight and smooth 7000 kms later.
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i pack the speedo bearing and jack shaft every season. i pack the wheels when they rumble when i spin them. i replace them only when i see rust in on the cage in the bearing.
the speedo and the jackshaft bearing on the pto side are the ones that need attention way before the others as they do not get the extra bath of gearlube from the chaincase. I pull the seals and clean and regrease those and they will go a longtime in between like 2500+ miles no problem. The factory didn't use a lot of grease in them and it gets hard overtime and packs up on cage instead of being on roller bearing.
New member
+1 re-packing bearings, I got over 20,000 km before replacing those bearings, and even then they were in good shape. I only did it because I changed the track and chain case seal, so while I was there I replaced all the bearings. I re pack all the bearings every 2 years.
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Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk
low slung
Active member
Wonder how these will hold up
Thanks for the info on the repacking! Great idea and easy enough to do. Any tips for removing the seals to repack? Do you completely remove the bearings or leave in and grease? Also....any way to tell if they’ve worn out without removing? Like I stated earlier I’ve got about 4500kms on them. Haven’t ever repacked but they were brand new 4500kms ago
New member
Using a very small flat precision screwdriver slip it under the inner seal, then gently pry the seal out. I think it is better to use brake cleaner and compressed air to get all the old grease out, but I am guilty of being lazy and just adding more. Most of the bearings I take out to work on them except for the speedo bearing, Jack shaft bearing, and the 2 small wheels on the top of the skid. Those I remove the seals with the bearing in place. I think the only way to really tell if a bearing is good is to take it out and feel for movement of the inner race. If there is still some grease left in the bearing when you take the seal off this is a good sign. If it's dry I guess it's up to you.
Hope this helps, cheers
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Hope this helps, cheers
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