My VK540 has always been difficult to cold start. Has to crank for a long time to fire, and is fiddly to get to the point where it is idling smoothly. Should I be trying to tune it or add a primer?
low slung
Active member
I know these new VK540s run alot leaner for EPA regs(A dealer here on the island changes the main jet to rich it more to save the engine from burning up,or so).Wonder if there is water in your fuel(Left outside,frost in gas tank)Seen this problem on my oldmans 96 ET410.Do you flip the choke on full then halfway to warm up the engine?
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You can also try choking it when you shut it down.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Isn't it still under warranty ?
Yeah it’s under warranty, but it’s not to that point I think. It’s more just a pain in the *** hauling on the recoil and working up a sweat when it’s -25 out. Yes I will jet it richer for sure. Pilot, main, and move needle a clip? I haven’t worked on slide carbs before. Choking it at shutdown is a nice touch, I can try that pretty easy.
New member
Yeah it’s under warranty, but it’s not to that point I think. It’s more just a pain in the *** hauling on the recoil and working up a sweat when it’s -25 out. Choking it at shutdown is a nice touch, I can try that pretty easy.
X2 on choking the engine on shut down. It does really help. Especially on cold days
Adding a primer did the trick. I made a little video showing how and demonstrating a cold start at -30 C.