1981 Yamaha Exciter 440 ring broke.


New member
Dec 4, 2015
central new york
piston.jpgIMG_1152.jpgIMG_1149.jpgThe PTO side of my old 440 ring broke. I think this is the first time its been apart. Is the stock piston stamped STD and CN? The cylinder looks perfect not a scratch nor does the fan side. Can I get away with new stock pistons and rings wrist pin and wrist pin bearing along with new gaskets? Its just a basic easy riding machine for us older guys. Passed with flying colors a leak down test before I took it apart.
Pictures are decent but never as good as in your hand ,,, the LH pictured piston looks more like a foreign object came in the intake or dropped
the electrode off a spark plug some time in the past.
Or as you mentioned , broke the ring and dropped a piece in a port and drew it back in ,,, cant see any missing ring in picture..
you might want to hone first before dropping in the new parts and drive on
