Hey guys first time posting on vintage, I bought my daughter an 85 bravo and the guy said its running rough, the oil injection is eliminated on it and he said that they run 50-1 in it I took the carb off and cleaned it and figured all would be set to go but its not it runs rough still i figured when i pulled the carb off the pilot jet being plugged that was the problem but it runs the same still. the fuel screw on the carb is set to 1-1/4 turns out like factory says to have it at i have the tank off and am ordering a new fuel filter. Any tricks to help it run better it will go good for a while then the choke has to be blurped to get it going again
check the pulse line from the pump to the crank case. seen that happen a few times. also check the crank seals as if it sat enough they will most likely be toast.
Whats a Pulse line?? look for cracks in it is it like a gas line?? I'll start it up and spray some carb cleaner on the pto and see if anything happens
Hammer Down
Looks like a gas or oil line. Pull airbox and you'll see it. Blipping choke is classic clogged pilot circuit. Clean it again.
I'll try the carb again not to familiar with fan cooled machines. I picked up a new fuel filter for it, this pulse line thing i was looking at a parts diagram i'm assuming it must be a hose that goes to the breather for the crank case?
Hammer Down
Yes. It looks like a fuel/oil line from crankcase to pump. Soak the carb in cleaner or put in ultrasonic cleaner. Harbor freight has cheap ones.
Pulse line was good i took the carb apart again found both jets plugged again, took the tank off there was a stick in it! I dont know if someone was trying to see how much gas was in the tank and then dropped it? there was shit floating all over so i got a new fuel filter and plug put new gas in it mixed it 40:1 put a new belt on it and it went really good tonight!!
Yeah carb cleaning is one of the most common and persistent running issues that guys get into. And sometimes it takes more than one cleaning, since you can chase through debris. It really doesn't take much to plug up the tiny plumbing.