Making me CRAZY!!!


New member
Nov 21, 2004
Ticonderoga, NY
Okay, here in New York every year we have a huge get together at Lake George village. Snowmobiling and atv drags, football tournaments, sky divers, the hole nine yards, huge festival. This year(today), there must have been at least over 2,000 sleds and Atv's everywhere,I am not BS'ing about this. Now I felt like a little kid again watching all of these sleds/atv's drive by because I am a avaid snowmobiler myself and currently own a 98 srx 600. The only problem about the situation is that I was there to play football. I'm not dissing football, dont get me wrong I love playing football but watching the sleds roar by me topping 100mph got my blood pumping. The snowmobiler enuthisit started to come out of me and there was nothing I could do because my sled needs a crank!! and if anyone has one let me know, please!
Long story short, I had a blast and so didnt about 5 thousand people an most likely more! This is the hugest get to get(festival) I've ever took apart of and next year I will take a personal day so I can be down there at the festival and not typing this up at work. Happy riding and have a safe year-garth :rockon:
