Too little squish


VIP Member
Aug 18, 2014
sherwood park
I have a 2000 srx with trail porting and cut heads. I have approx. .040" squish with on the heads with no. issues. what is the danger of running too little squish? I believe .060"ish is stock?

not really a problem so long as you run good 93-94 octane fuel in it. I would bet its a bit bigger then .040" as most trail engines are more then happy around .050-.055" in a srx
Whats the danger. Detonation.

Maximum Squish Velocity is the fastest you can move fuel without having it explode on its own. We are supposed to wait until the spark plug starts ignition but pushing fuel to fast can causes the molecules to slam together for the ignition to start on its own from friction called detonation.

to prevent deto either run higher octane.
dont set up your squish so thin.
Machine your squish angle larger.
Contact MR Viper for chamber advice or machining.

