03 viper low speed/idle problem


New member
Sep 16, 2015
Dell Rapids sd
03 viper mountain. I cannot get it to idle clean. It has a terrible hang idle issue anytime you try to get it to idle. Flipping choke does not bring it down like it should, it actually shoots up to engagement rpm right away. Blurping the throttle lever also makes it shoot up to engagement instead of bringing it down. If I let it idle high for 1 or 2 min it will eventually come down to 1500 where I have idle set but when I go to give it throttle again it will bog and die unless I feather it up and then goose it. I've got my fuel screws set to 2 turns out, been in the carbs and checked and cleaned them a few times, reeds are good, just put new crank seals in it (thought it was a lean idle problem), I've sprayed everything with carb cleaner that could be leaking and nothing. Machine is a bone stock mtn viper with a can. No air box mods at all. I've also checked all cable adjustments and all are good.

Things I have not checked,
- float level
- needle settings

Any ideas?

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That's a weird one! Funny that the choke actually increases the idle, I wonder if it's so lean that more fuel simply increases it?
When cleaning carbs you looked through all 3 pilot jets and verified that a nice round hole can be seen through them? I always have to run a wire through them to loosen any crud and then blast them with cleaner. Also made sure to spray through the passages between pilot jets and fuel screws?
Even though I own the same sled, not sure if it has the in tank filter? Might be something to check.
Maybe a cracked fuel line?
Doesn't sound like TORS at all, but easy to eliminate that by plugging ends together at the carbs.
Did it do this before the new crank seals were put in?
Sorry I have so many questions and no definitive answers.
Not a TORS issue, I've bypassed and same thing. Yes it did this before the crank seals that's why I replaced them, better safe than sorry. It doesnt seem lean at all plugs are actually on the rich side. Runs awesome in all other areas just wont idle right. I'm going to pull carbs again and go through them with a fine tooth comb.

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Sounds like the air jets are plugged, or their associated circuitry. Also look a the fuel screws. Torn o-ring or mis-oriented parts can mimic your issue.
Well, I tore into the carbs again today, took all jets including air jets and fuel screws out. Soaked jets, cleaned, needles to 3.25( circlip 4th groove 2 washers on top) carb cleaner and air through absolutely everything. It runs much better but still not perfect on the idle circuit. TORS activated everytime I hit it and let off. Checked my throttle cable and plenty of slack in it. Made sure its hitting the switch when I let off and it is. Do the tors switches go bad?

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Yes the switches can go bad. I took mine apart and cleaned it and all looked well but still gave me issues where it would kick in when idling down past 3k. I replaced the switch and it was ok. Try cleaning it first: https://totallyamaha.com/snowmobiles/aaTECH/TORS_Cleaning/How_to_Clean_TORS.htm

Note when I had the problem with the switch the idle would go down pretty quick it would just kick the TORS on for a few seconds when it got to 3k.
