Well, never posted this, so I thought I would throw it up here, since everyone likes pictures, right ?? lol
Started with a blown up, low mileage 2000 MXZ 500 Special Black Edition.
My daughter and I worked on it for months, and did everything on it together.
She picked every detail on it, and I think its one of the coolest looking sleds around.
Now, if I could just get her to ride it !
Here's what it looked like when we got it
Started with a blown up, low mileage 2000 MXZ 500 Special Black Edition.
My daughter and I worked on it for months, and did everything on it together.
She picked every detail on it, and I think its one of the coolest looking sleds around.
Now, if I could just get her to ride it !
Here's what it looked like when we got it
low slung
Active member
Sweet sled,those 500s were no slouch back in the day(could whip my 98 indy 500 on top end).

Super Moderator
Very nice, did one with my daugher and a viper. Has transformed many times over the years and she still rides with us as much as school and work allows! Of course it doesnt hurt her boyfriend also loves sledding.
She has only rode with us once. Not since, hope she changes her mind in the future, know she would love it.