I want to play around with clutching and found some setups on this forum. Just wondering if the xtc would have same clutch set up as lets say an sxr 700? Not sure if they might be a little different because of the extra travel or not
If the xtc 700 has the red head all pointers should apply. Reed spacers and clutching.
Same clutch itself, but most everything inside will be different.
Springs, weights, rivets, rollers ect. Same goes with the secondary.
If your asking if you could take SXR clutches and bolt them on, yes, and should work perfectly.
Springs, weights, rivets, rollers ect. Same goes with the secondary.
If your asking if you could take SXR clutches and bolt them on, yes, and should work perfectly.
Pretty mutch trrying to find a clutch setup for a little more snap but all I see are setups for sx700 and so on. Not the xtc.
New member
Apex helix is cheap awesome upgrade, as is the Reed stopper notches and removing the middle layer of the head gaskets
the sx and sxr clutching will work as long as you put all the same components in the clutch. i took a set up for a vmax 500 and used it in an sx500r but you have to watch the rollers as if they are not mentioned in the set-up they used the oe ones in their clutching and you need to make sure yours are the same diameter.
I have a set of reed spacers and a set of vforce delta 2 reeds im going to be installing. I have 2 of the same 98 vmax xtcs so just maming up my mind which one i want the reeds in and which one I want the spacers in. How are the bender helix's?
Had crappy service dont know why it posted twice.. Haha so are you saying the apex helix is an upgradw pretty mich like putting a bender helix on it?
fixed the double post for you.
yes it is. when we did my dads sx venture 700 we used the stock secondary helix from a 2005 rx war when we replicated the clutching from my brothers 02 viper on it that he and turk made with 40-10 heelclickers as it was within 1 degree of the advantage helix that was used in that set-up.
yes it is. when we did my dads sx venture 700 we used the stock secondary helix from a 2005 rx war when we replicated the clutching from my brothers 02 viper on it that he and turk made with 40-10 heelclickers as it was within 1 degree of the advantage helix that was used in that set-up.