I'm replacing the fuel filter on my 00 srx and want to replace the pickup line as well. It's pretty short so I think it's the stock line. What's the diamer of the line and what's the best kind to put in there? Thanks!
New member
How did u get the filter out of the tank?
The line is metric and from another post on a similar topic it is supposed to be 5.5 ID line.As far as getting the filter out the way I've done it and has worked for me was to drain the tank if it isn't already,remove the airbox and remove the bolts from the oil tank so it can be pulled away from the fuel tank.Remove the fuel line from the tank oulet to the pump,remove the bolts from the outlet,pull the outlet along with the inner tank line out as far as it will come.Remove the tank fitting from the inner line and get a piece of small diameter twine or a double ended hose barb to fit the fuel line and another piece of hose/line.The twine or hose is used to pull the tank line back through the hole in the tank after changing the filter.Once you have the twine/hose attached shove the inner tank line back into the tank and use a piece of wire with a hook or a magnetic pickup to fish the filter up through the tank filler hole.Change the filter and drop it back into the tank.Pull the twine/hose until the inner tank line comes out the front of the tank.Reattach the tank outlet fitting to the inner line,push the line into the tank and bolt the fitting on.The rest is just a reverse of the removal procedure.