Just wondering what effect a different helix would do on my xtc 700. So far its stock besides drilled out muffler and reed spacers. Plan on doing some clutch work this spring. Does it affect acceleration at all? From what I can find all I see is it lowers your rpms
Wow awesome thanks alot!
New member
I found a used Apex helix with less then 500kms, for 50$ Canadian. Very noticeable improvment in over all performance and back shift.
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Tons of great info, in this link. You can also get there by clicking TY TECH in the upper right of this screen.
Tons of great info, in this link. You can also get there by clicking TY TECH in the upper right of this screen.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Yamaha 8BVFA
Yamaha 8BVFA
Not sure what number a couple bucks is referencing, but here is a tech page with stock helixe numbers. https://totallyamaha.com/snowmobiles/aaTECH/drivespecs/camangles.htm
I googled that number, must be same as the top one on the chart. I wonder why they would change the number?
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New member
Yamaha 8BVFA
Yup, that's the one I got off a 2006 Apex