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I have a 98 mm 700 triple that ive broke 3 pull ropes on this winter. It seems something is rubbing on the rope or vice versa. Anbody else had trouble with this?
A couple of bucks
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New member
The recoil is fine. The rope itself is getting damaged between the handle and the recoil. Is there anything that a guy could do to protect it?
There should be nothing touching it, do you have it routed through the radiator hose holder at the top of the chaincase ?
New member
I will check that out when I put it back together this week. I dont recall that. Thank you!
New member
Here is a little refresher for the old noggin..
That's a different rooting then mine.
You just taught me something new!
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New member
Thanks for that picture! I had it wrong this whole time.
Happens a lot, actually had that pic for a buddy who couldn’t remember how it went also, glad you got it fixed!
New member
Well my problem is not solved, that bracket is busted off. Any ideas what else a guy could do?
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
I have used a 1'+ long screen door spring to thread the rope thru. This was on a JD JDX4 but it worked.
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Just buy a new chain case cover, very cheap on eBay.