Ported srx ...8dn20 51-43 dalton w-w-w 23-39 gear ..cut heads ...150 main jet 42.5 pilot ... Sled turn 8800 8900 out of the line ..cut heads ...i try to cure the bugs out of the line ...always a meuhh at lauch out of the line ...i try to open up the pilot but still got the bugg ...anyone got a idea ...
What is engagement rpm?
Stock pipes?
You think you are making more power at that rpm than at around 8500rpm?
Stock pipes?
You think you are making more power at that rpm than at around 8500rpm?
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3800 ....doesnt think the sled make more hp at 8800...but i put every things stock so i know the motor make more hp than stock ...stock pipeWhat is engagement rpm?
Stock pipes?
You think you are making more power at that rpm than at around 8500rpm?
You may be losing up to 10 hp by running it that high.
When did the bog start ? Right after you ported the motor? After 8BU install?
When did the bog start ? Right after you ported the motor? After 8BU install?
Ported srx ...8dn20 51-43 dalton w-w-w 23-39 gear ..cut heads ...150 main jet 42.5 pilot ... Sled turn 8800 8900 out of the line ..cut heads ...i try to cure the bugs out of the line ...always a meuhh at lauch out of the line ...i try to open up the pilot but still got the bugg ...anyone got a idea ...
Stock can and pipes for 700. 8500 max
I have several questions, sorry...it will help everyone diagnose.
Does blipping the choke help with the bogging off the line? What are fuel screws set at? Pilots are one size bigger than stock. Are you absolutely positive they are clean? (you looked through them holding up to a light and can see a nice round hole through them) What rpm does it idle at? Do rpm's "hang" when it's coming back down?
Peak rpm is too high, so need to add weight to tip of arms in the primary. What tip weight are you at now?
Does blipping the choke help with the bogging off the line? What are fuel screws set at? Pilots are one size bigger than stock. Are you absolutely positive they are clean? (you looked through them holding up to a light and can see a nice round hole through them) What rpm does it idle at? Do rpm's "hang" when it's coming back down?
Peak rpm is too high, so need to add weight to tip of arms in the primary. What tip weight are you at now?
Carb are spotless .. The needle position wasnt at the oem position ...i need to try to see if the bog went out ...they are 8dn20 with 4.5 in both hole ..i know it overrave but it was to see if the motor was making more hp than stock with the stock stuff in it ...
Power valve cables too tight?
Maybe starved on fuel, could turn screws out and see
Maybe starved on fuel, could turn screws out and see
New member
Running snow, grass or ice? Probably need more engagement if running grass or ice.
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