Over the years my brackets have gotten tarnished and spotted and are in need of replating so I was wondering what you all have used in the past to replicate the gold looking plating on the carb and coil brackets?Has anyone had success doing it themselves or did you send the stuff out to be done by a shop? I've found a couple videos on using nickle or some such to do it DIY but I would really like to have a way to get the factory look again.I guess I could always powder coat them but I'm more of a do it myself type as much as possible and I haven't had much luck in the past getting paint to stick well enough that it didn't crack and peel when tightening screws up.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
The color you are referring to is a chemical process done to aluminum by using Alodine. In order for Alodine to work, the surface needs to be.... water break free. Absolutely no solvents, wax or anything that makes water bead up. Elbow grease and a new scotchbrite pad works the best.
Alodine calls the color ... Iridescent gold.
Alodine calls the color ... Iridescent gold.