Will a helix bushing scratch the "shaft" its riding on if the bushing is a little scratched? I didn't have a press, so I pounded it on with a hammer and socket, and it got a little bent inwards, I removed my best, but it may not be 100%.
Will it scratch?
Will it scratch?
it will scratch if it binds. if it moves freely it should be ok.
New member
I'll have to replace this bushing with another from another helix.
Active member
The bushing should have a coating on it, if it's just the coating that scratched it shouldn't be a problem. If the coating is worn off you should replace the bushing with a new one. When those bushings get worn things don't work right anymore. I had 3 sleds last year with worn secondary bushings, all 3 sleds had problems with shift RPM, they were revving too high, new bushing brought RPMS back where they needed to be.