What the best way to fix a few knicks and gouges in a hood for an SRX before prepping to paint it? I had a window pane break against the side of the sled which made a few slight gouges in the side of the hood that will need to be fixed before it can be painted.Will regular plastic filler work or will the blemishes need to be fixed with plastic welding?
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Wet sand and then apply spot putty w/ a spreader.
Active member
Hard to say without pics but any reinforcement can be done on the inside of hood were you can build it up and not worry about how it looks or finishing it. I would take it to a body shop and get them to put a good spotputty on it or blow in some highbuild primer ,the money you give them would be better than using the crap spotputty that CT sells or the little bit you would use if you paid for a can of proper stuff.
Active member
If they're not too deep just use high build primer then wet sand
From your explanation of how it happened I’d guess there not to deep. Da them down and feather edge the area. If still there then apply some poly filler/spot glaze “many terms for it” sand that out then 2k prime the area. Sand the very small imperfections out of the primer and begin the paint prep process. If pretty deep then sometimes I use a 2part autobody epoxy filler first. Don’t use rattle can products if you are going to use a good paint product on top. Many times it will go to crap fast. Also on the raw plastic areas many products call for plastic adhesion promoter first for best adhesion. This is a quick dos and don’ts to a kinda involved process for a professional refinish. If you are taking it to a shop to get painted I’d recommend talking to them first about prepping and repairing before they get to it. Also most products will come in sizes way bigger than you will need so it maybe worth just having them do it all if you are looking for a factory type finish.
Thanks for all the advise guys,it pretty much went with what I thought I should do if I was to attempt this paint job myself. Rather than invest in a lot of equipment right now like a quality paint gun and a DA sander etc I just found a local body shop that can paint it for me.For $200 they will have it done in no time and I can look into ways to get into doing my own paint and body work later on.I hate being at the mercy of other people to do this kind of work for me and would rather be a bit more self sufficient so I can ge thtis kind of thing done at my time schedule.