Phazer and phazer 2 differences

Phazer 2 had the longer track 121, wider front end, after 95 or 96 the front end got even wider. later phazer 2 had newer style clutches. Probably some other minor things also but they were very similar.
Thanks shaggy. I'm thinking about building a phazer for my youngest son. I think I want the original old style, not the Phazer 2........or am I thinking wrong?
Either one is fine but it's easier to find a track for the phazer 2 and they aren't quite as tippy with the wide front end. I've had both and they were both a blast to ride.
They look the same but share almost no parts except the engine and drive. Both are great sleds. Shaggy has a point on track and tippy.

"90" Phazer 2 still had the ypz clutch from the original Phazer. Not that it is a big deal.

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