98 VMAX 700XTC Deluxe rebuilding chaincase - sourcing parts problems


New member
Sep 24, 2019
Central Maine
Got a project sled.. The chaincase was destroyed internally... chain broke.. reverse gear demolished... rusted thoughout..
I posted earlier and someone suggested evaporust.. that worked great on the original gears.. but I don't trust the bearings on that chaincase.
So I bought one on eBay... said it was compatible with my make/model.. only to find out it was a "reversing" chaincase..
He said... oh!!.. what I sold wasn't a reversing chaincase.. my assumption is this model line were all like this.. Sorry folks, I'm not familiar with Yamaha sleds...
So I found a '96 Vmax 600 reversing case.. with shafts and brake.. only to find out this doesn't look similar at all..
Do I have a chaincase I can't use with the 96? or can I somehow use by retrofitting back to the secondary clutch somehow?

No you cannot mix and match older and newer style chaincases. Do research and get informed before throwing money at things...
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any chain case from a trailing arm yamaha (sx chassis) will work in there. they made that chassis, in canada, from 1997 to 2009.

have you tried contacting viper king or a couple of the other guys that part sleds on here?
No you cannot mix and match older and newer style chaincases. Do research and get informed before throwing money at things...

Sorry... I kept it short and sweet.. I didn't share my life story or disclose that I did research, and obviously the sources I pulled were wrong.
But.. thank you so much for keeping me on the straight and narrow... I don't know what I would do without this advice..
Now.. to restate.. what IS compatible?? or salvageable? I'm so glad you said I have a "newer" chaincase.. from what years? . is there a generation cutoff?
The non-reversing chaincase I received (and am actually now using).. said it was for a 98-03.. but the components except for the front cover can be used on a '97. It did.. I can prove it...
Now... how is that not mixing things??? Do you have a reference I can see about a 98 having a "old style" vs a "new style"?

I don't understand "senior" level people like you on forums (in general)... It isn't conducive for this to be a friendly place to obtain knowledge by asking questions if you are only going to sabotage people's character and yet provide no real insight, information, or the like.
Sorry... I kept it short and sweet.. I didn't share my life story or disclose that I did research, and obviously the sources I pulled were wrong.
But.. thank you so much for keeping me on the straight and narrow... I don't know what I would do without this advice..
Now.. to restate.. what IS compatible?? or salvageable? I'm so glad you said I have a "newer" chaincase.. from what years? . is there a generation cutoff?
The non-reversing chaincase I received (and am actually now using).. said it was for a 98-03.. but the components except for the front cover can be used on a '97. It did.. I can prove it...
Now... how is that not mixing things??? Do you have a reference I can see about a 98 having a "old style" vs a "new style"?

I don't understand "senior" level people like you on forums (in general)... It isn't conducive for this to be a friendly place to obtain knowledge by asking questions if you are only going to sabotage people's character and yet provide no real insight, information, or the like.

Best thing you can do is use this parts website, it will show all compatible chaincase parts and possible year to year changes. I believe any reverse chaincase cover and guts from 1997 to 2005 2 stroke proaction chassis will work. But again always best to verify this information. Yes the back half on the chaincase cases of these generation of proaction are interchangeable from non reverse, and reverse models. I ve done this too.

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