VK540 flat slide carb on older 540?


Jan 13, 2018
Hey gang,

It looks like the fitment of a new VK carb might be almost a direct drop into an older XLV or SRV. Briefly, how feasible of an idea would this be? Would it be a matter mainly of adjusting the VK carb to match the fuel delivery requirements of the old sled?

Anyone have any musings?

I'm not currently pursuing this, but I am in the market for some late model 540s, so it might be something I would be looking closely at.
Wellll, not quite the same but same mindset!!! I've put a 36mm flatslide on a 340 motor I have so anything is possible!
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well from all the reading i have done on the vk 540 motors, they are the higher hp version of the xlv/srv motors when getting into the reeds and engine parts. the carb on the vk540 to the vk540 III are the same from the numbers i have seen on my buddys III vs my 88 vk. have no clue as to the carb on the vk540 V as to yet but possible if the reed cages/part # are the same.
