Finely Stainless Steel Power Valves for SRX 700


Feb 11, 2004
Channaho, Il.
I have started to make Stainless Powervalves for the SRX 700. I don't have a price yet because I am costing themachine and tooling costs. I am looking for general interest. I am having difficulty posting pictures but here is a link to my HCSpage.

UPDATE The valves will be $80 each. I will have material shortly. So I am not quite ready to start manufacturing.

They are made Witt 304 stainless2020-01-12 13.40.43.jpg2020-01-12 13.40.00.jpg2020-01-12 13.39.39.jpg2020-01-12 13.40.43.jpg2020-01-12 13.40.00.jpg2020-01-12 13.39.39.jpg
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As one who does not own a p/v sled ... has anyone tried coating them w/ Dry Graph after they are cleaned? I cannot see how it would in any way be detrimental to its operations.
With the p/v warmed(wood stovetop or old toaster oven from goodwill store), give them two coats.
Again .... just spitballing here.
As one who does not own a p/v sled ... has anyone tried coating them w/ Dry Graph after they are cleaned? I cannot see how it would in any way be detrimental to its operations.
With the p/v warmed(wood stovetop or old toaster oven from goodwill store), give them two coats.
Again .... just spitballing here.

I have sprayed them with comet clutch lube and regular graphite spray as well. I have never found any positive results. I can say that it didn't
seem to hurt but didn't seem to help either.
