Does anyone now the max output of the stator on a 1994 vmax 600 le? Want to know the max load I can put on it before drawing off the battery. Also is the ignition fed from the same circuit? With too much draw will it affect spark?
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I don’t know specs but I do know it’s run off a 75 watt system. What do you want to install that your worried about power. If I remember right it will not draw off batter unless you directly wire to battery. The battery simply supplies power to starter. The stator then will keep battery charged and run your system.
Thanks for the reply, I am running a fuel and oil pump for a turbo setup. Oil pump claims 5 amp to 10 amps, fuel pump I'm unsure but significantly less. 75 watts should be close to 6 amps , so it looks like I'm going over a fair amount. I have already deleted the oil pump, has anyone tried to mechanically afix a gear pump to this somehow?