

New member
Aug 19, 2008
Sx Viper speedo and light cut out at idle, but all electronics work when the RPMs increase. Could this be just an electrical connection or is it most likely the stator going bad? About 3,000 miles on this 2003. How long might he have before he loses spark? He's up in the UP right now and doesn't want to end up stranded. Thanks

That sucks. Don’t realize how nice hand warmers are until u don’t have them. Could be voltage regulator (maybe) also. Start with simple stuff and work way up but pointing to stator. Have him unplug lights at harness and see if Warner’s work. Even a harness rub through is a chance but it clears up under higher rpm.
When my 03 viper stator failed I had the following symptoms:
Dash pod went blank and then reset like when first started when high/low beam was changed or the brake lever was used.
After a couple more rides (I was still trying to diagnose the problem), then hand and thumb warmer stopped working.
When the hand and thumb warmer quit working, if I still had them on the extra load draw made the sled start to stumble/bog at higher rpm.

Almost ever single viper stator failure thread I've read all had the same dash pod cuts out when high/low beam changed or brake lever is hit. If you don't experience that, I'd look for rubbed wires first. Main harness under the motor, under the seat front to back, and under foot wells. (many threads about these common rub areas if you do a search).
Yes, it was the stator. Over $800 because they spent hours diagnosing it! He had no choice being the first day of their trip. He even told them we figured it was the stator.Thanks guys
A new electrical issue has come up. With the new OEM stator installed the digital speedo goes blank when the headlight high beam is turned on. The analog speedo also resets, but no other issues. Thoughts?
Rub through on harness, bad switch, ect. I would just not use brights if that’s your only problem and go through everything when home. If there is a rub through can mimic a bad stator.
Ok, stator was replaced by a Yamaha dealer with the OEM part. Now when he hits the brake the gauges go blank and then comes back on and the speedo resets when the brake is released. Is that caused by the voltage regulator? If so, where's the best place to purchase a replacement? I've seen a wide range for prices. Thank you
