Excessive oil consmption 01Mm 700


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
I hauled firewood, at very slow speeds, and used about 22 liters of fuel, or 5,8 gallons. I also used a little over 1 liter of oil in the process, say 1,1 quart. Temps were a few degrees above freezing. What is up with the oil usage? Checked the adjustment, and it was at about 22 mm gap. Cchecked the wire, seems ok, but there is no freeplay on the wire down to the oilpump. Is it common that the oulpumps on these sleds fail? My 99 venture 600 seems to be better on oil, when riding at normal speeds.
When oil pumps fail, they fail wide open. That said, failure is pretty uncommon.
The gap is more of a suggestion. The best way to figure it out for sure is to fill up gas and oil, use the sled, and see how much of each it takes to refill and calculate the ratio by hand. Then, adjust the cable to get closer to the right ratio.
Stock cable setting is 21mm - 23mm.
Less gap, is more oil.
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