Water Pump impeller


VIP Lifetime Member
May 2, 2003
I have a 2002 viper. I am trying to remove the impeller on the water pump. I have already removed the bolt, is there a trick on removing the impeller.

Thank's in advance

Thank you for that information. Does anyone else have a trick to remove the impeller from a 2002 Viper. Looking at different options here.
In true Yamaha fashion, they use a VERY strong compound on the splines of the shaft that mate with the impeller. Heat (lots of it) and pulling up from backside of impeller will allow removal. If there is a different method to complete this job, I'm all ears!!!
In true Yamaha fashion, they use a VERY strong compound on the splines of the shaft that mate with the impeller. Heat (lots of it) and pulling up from backside of impeller will allow removal. If there is a different method to complete this job, I'm all ears!!!

I understand the heat procedure but how can you pull up from the back side of the impeller if the impeller is almost flush with the case itself.
I understand the heat procedure but how can you pull up from the back side of the impeller if the impeller is almost flush with the case itself.

The way I got the impeller off was pretty easy. I used a heat gun & 2 very small screwdrivers & pryed up on the impeller at different locations.
So do you guys seal the impeller/spline shaft when you re-assemble? If so, what compound do you use?
I know there is the rubber washer seal for the bolt that holds the impeller shaft on. Not sure if that is enough to seal the spline shaft.
The rubber washer is there to prevent coolant from travelling through the splines and out the weep hole.
99% of the time, if there is coolant leaking from the weep hole it is the rubber washer, not the mechanical seal.
I think that was my failure, (had the weep hole leak) that rubber washer looked pretty rough. I had the waterpump serviced a couple years ago...it doesn't appear that it got replaced.

Should there be a little play/ wiggle between the impeller and the spline shaft? Rotation seems fine, but it has some tip/tilt. (just test fit with no mechanical/spring seal or shift bolt.) Don't want to buy the impeller if the new part come with a little play.
I think that was my failure, (had the weep hole leak) that rubber washer looked pretty rough. I had the waterpump serviced a couple years ago...it doesn't appear that it got replaced.

Should there be a little play/ wiggle between the impeller and the spline shaft? Rotation seems fine, but it has some tip/tilt. (just test fit with no mechanical/spring seal or shift bolt.) Don't want to buy the impeller if the new part come with a little play.
Yes, what happens is the rubber comes off the washer, then it leaks through the splines. Normal to have a little wiggle there on the impeller.
When installing apply a little soap or something slippery to the washer so it doesn't get torn when tightening the bolt up. I also apply a small amount of loctite to the bolt threads.
I just went through this....need a heat gun to heat up impeller...worked for me anyway.
Did you replace everything? I have thr rebuild kit. Bearings seals etc. Once the impeller is off does the rest come out with ease? I know there is a snap ring, so does it come out impeller side or back side if I want to remove? Thanks for your time
I used a copper sealing washer with some RTV on it last time I did a seal. Works on brake lines and the coolant drain on the motor, don't know why it wouldn't work here. Time will tell I guess.
Did you replace everything? I have thr rebuild kit. Bearings seals etc. Once the impeller is off does the rest come out with ease? I know there is a snap ring, so does it come out impeller side or back side if I want to remove? Thanks for your time
Are you just doing the water pump or replacing the entire shaft?

If its just the water pump, there is no snap ring. (check out my pictures on the post above)

Make sure to replace the rubber washer on top of the impeller. When these go bad, coolant will travel up the spline shaft and start coming out the weep hole.

My impeller came off easy, but it had been serviced before,
The spring loaded seal behind the impeller is a bit of a pain, you definitely destroy it during removal, so make sure to buy a new one.
Are you just doing the water pump or replacing the entire shaft?

If its just the water pump, there is no snap ring. (check out my pictures on the post above)

Make sure to replace the rubber washer on top of the impeller. When these go bad, coolant will travel up the spline shaft and start coming out the weep hole.

My impeller came off easy, but it had been serviced before,
The spring loaded seal behind the impeller is a bit of a pain, you definitely destroy it during removal, so make sure to buy a new one.
I'm replacing bearings and Orings, but the shaft has to be removed for that. So was wondering if fairly easy? The kit comes with 4 or 5 parts.
I'm replacing bearings and Orings, but the shaft has to be removed for that. So was wondering if fairly easy? The kit comes with 4 or 5 parts.
I was under the impression that you need to split the case to remove the shaft.
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What are you talking about, the shaft comes out, just give it a tug. That's how you get that impeller side bearing out. You have to pull that snap ring to get the bearing and shaft out. You have to split the case to get the oil pump side bearing out as far as I know.
What are you talking about, the shaft comes out, just give it a tug. That's how you get that impeller side bearing out. You have to pull that snap ring to get the bearing and shaft out. You have to split the case to get the oil pump side bearing out as far as I know.
Excellent, thank you. I tried uploading a pic of the cases. I have done a compete tear down on this sled, everything will be new.
