New member
3 lines coming off the pump...2 go into one with a check valve to feed the fuel pump with oil...The other goes down under the engine with a check valve to feed the oil/water pump shaft the another line underneath to feed the PTO bearing..I'am bench testing the oil pump and there is no oil pumping out to feed the line going to the water pump/ oil pump shaft..Bad pump ?
what pulse source are you using to operate the pump ?
I assume you have check valve arrow going towords fuel pump
I assume you have check valve arrow going towords fuel pump
New member
Pulse source is where it goes to the shaft , I'am using a drill..Check valves are correct , I learned that a long time ago lol..
New member
Whats going on is the 2 outlets that are going into one for the fuel pump is pumping like crazy , the one for the crank case is pumping slow..