Just curious as to what is done to replace bearings on welded pressed cranks like the srx, how do they remove the crank pins from the webs without ruining them, also I'm curious if anybody knows why yamaha welded the PTO and MAG side pins but not the center crank pin?
Also if somebody knows I was really curious about how index or phase is corrected if it's out, and if your index can be out of alignment but your run out still be in spec. Just any information on these crankshafts
From what I have gleaned in the years of reading information on this forum the weld needs to be ground down before the crank can be pressed apart.Most qualified shops that do crank work can handle these jobs blindfolded.As far as correcting phase there's videos online showing how this is done and again shops handle this kind of adjustments whenever they're pressed apart and back together.The part about runout being in spec if the crank is out of phase the answer is no,both adjustments are intertwined and one affects the other.