Coil spring issue - proper fitment?


Oct 31, 2020
Recently pulled this out of my "new" 2000 Venture 600. Anybody have any idea what I should do - cut the spring shorter? Get a proper coil spring fitted? if so a good guide on how to do it safely?

The back of that coil spring is rubbing on the gas shock...


Recently pulled this out of my "new" 2000 Venture 600. Anybody have any idea what I should do - cut the spring shorter? Get a proper coil spring fitted? if so a good guide on how to do it safely?

The back of that coil spring is rubbing on the gas shock...


I would pull it apart and make sure the end cup is not bent, see if the spring is straight. I may have one of these shocks complete that I could sell. To pull a part you will need spring compressor or trust spring compressor.
Searched high and low for a new coil spring for the front/center skid shock the Kimpex 04-461 and nothing nothing nothing...

1) my only alternative is to put on my old raggedy original coil spring onto the new shock

2) the new gas shock is super stiff - is it supposed to be like that? Takes a good amount of oomph to compress it down

3) What length adjustment should I start with (two dials)?

they are stiff when they are fresh. a few bumps and it will break in. if old spring is not broken, it is fine to re-use it. you want to tighten the nut against the spring until the spring is stiff to turn by hand with the shock installed. usually makes the sled ride and handle its best. the 2nd nut is for locking the 1st one so it cannot back off.
I pulled the rear skid shock out of the coil spring as well - that's the one that had the coil spring sitting crooked and the adjustment cranked all the way short.

I have a new kimpex replacement as well to compare it to - compared to the new replacement the kimpex rear gas shock that was already in the sled is much stiffer and has a very slow rebound - much like the new kimpex front/center skid shock has.

How do I know how it's supposed to be behaving? Why is my new kimpex replacement for the front super stiff and slow to rebound (like the current kimpex rear shock) and the kimpex new back shock super soft and quick to rebound?
sounds like the new back one might be defective. all the ones i have had rebuilt are all like how you describe the front skid shock when i get them back. sounding like the valve block in the shock might be in backwards to me but i do not rebuild shocks myself. i always send them out to shock tec or cannondale on the 4 stroke side.
