New member
I've noticed on some of your sled pics that you guys are running the hanguards. I've got a set and want to install them on my MM700 and I've noticed that I'm going to have to cut or pull back the grips to make them fit between the brake/throttle blocks. You guys that have done this can you help me out? Possibly some pics???
New member
don't go cutting the grips, no need for that. All you have to do is just loosen the whole assembly up a little (throttle and brake) and slide that away from the grip so you can fit your mounting kit. There is a little allen key bolt located on both assemblies (maybe someone can post a pic for ya) that you just have to loosen up and then slide the whole thing away and that's all. Good luck
New member
Yea no cutting is needed there is a big phillips on the bottom of the throttle block loosen that and give yourself enough room for the mounts. Same goes with the brake assembly just uses two allens very noticable right above the headlight switch....... Make sure when you go to tighten the throttle block back up you just get it snug, over tightening will break it and those little buggers arent cheap. The powermadd kits they give you a few options with the little spacers on where you can put the guards, like how far you want them to stick out. Good luck
Let us know if you have any more questions

New member
Its hard fer me to explain but on my handlebars there is a stop???on the inside so the throttle block cannot go any further toward the middle. Maybe it's because of the mountain strap???(stock handlebars). And there is only about a 1/8 inch between the throttle block and the handgrip. The same goes for the other side. So I'm kinda in a pinch here. maybe I have to grind down that stop(it goes all the way around the handlebar and seems to have been formed with it, as it is the handlebar)to move it closer to the middle. I've thought of drilling out the rivet in the handgrip and moving the grip toward the outside but I have the aftermarket handlebar hooks(45 degree) and that won't be so easy. What seemed to be a simple installation has got me scratching my head. Please Help
p.s. TopGunn...broke the throttle block last year from overtightening and yes the fricken thing is expensive!!!
p.s. TopGunn...broke the throttle block last year from overtightening and yes the fricken thing is expensive!!!
New member
you got a picture of that stop? Not familiar with the mountain strap, but a pic would definately help to explain if you had one
New member
I'll try
Hope it worked. That's kinda hard resizing these things...good thing I know a couple o' geeks.LOL
There is no stop on the other side so I'll definately be able to put one on the brake side!
I'll try
Hope it worked. That's kinda hard resizing these things...good thing I know a couple o' geeks.LOL

There is no stop on the other side so I'll definately be able to put one on the brake side!
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New member
please help me?
I've fallen and I can't reach my beer???
I've fallen and I can't reach my beer???
New member
I am going to have to admit that I have not seen that stopper item that you are showing in your pic. I didn't have one of those on my bars. Are they on both sides or just the right as you show? Also, is that stopper thing permanantly connected to the throttle block? Doesn't seem like it is from the pic. I personally would probably get pissed enough and just cut the bastard off. You may want to check with a dealer, but I don't think that that stop serves as any critical strength item on the bars, so cutting it does not seem to pose any threat.
I am going to have to admit that I have not seen that stopper item that you are showing in your pic. I didn't have one of those on my bars. Are they on both sides or just the right as you show? Also, is that stopper thing permanantly connected to the throttle block? Doesn't seem like it is from the pic. I personally would probably get pissed enough and just cut the bastard off. You may want to check with a dealer, but I don't think that that stop serves as any critical strength item on the bars, so cutting it does not seem to pose any threat.
New member
Oops, reread your previous post stating that the stops were on both sides. Again though, I think that cutting them would not pose any major issues with the strength of the bars.
New member
I'ts actually the handlebar itself and is only on the right side.I think what I will do is just grind it off!
New member
Careful grinding that down.... the bars are stamped and that could simply be a "stipple" in the bar... cutting it off could actually cut the bar off at that point. I'd test a SMALL area first
Active member
yea you might have to get SXR bars that dont have that step in them
New member
thanks guys
New member
Call around and see if you can get a cheap set of bars from a sled scrap yard. Shouldn't be that much money to get a new set without the stopper. This may be a secure out. Betcha didn't know these damn handguards were going to be this complicated and cost you so much did you. LOL, sorry I went through something similar with the mounting hardware that I got from Powermadd some time ago. Didn't have all the pieces and it drove me insane, so I just friggin bought another set of mounting hardware and with the two packages, I made one decent one
I've never installed bark busters so this may be a stupid suggestion but why can't you just mount the bracket inside the stopper instead of btwn the grip and throttle assy?
New member
no room...the problem is I canot move the throttle block any which way and there is only about 1/8 inch between the block and grip. You need at least 1/2 inch fer the mounting hardware!!
Now I se what you mean. I don't think it would look right but I may try that tonight. Only thing that may hamper is the handlebar pad is right up against the asssembly...but I'm gonna look into it anyway...thanks
Now I se what you mean. I don't think it would look right but I may try that tonight. Only thing that may hamper is the handlebar pad is right up against the asssembly...but I'm gonna look into it anyway...thanks

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