The fun continues! Trying to transfer the rear bracket (8DP-47426-10 and 8DP-47425-10) for my 2000 Venture onto a new skid.
I was able to loosen one of the bolts on the right side, but now I cannot get it tight enough again to break free the bolt on the left side.... because tightening it down involves tightening both together! Ones always going to be tighter than the other?
Quite a terrible problem to have - any tips? Just keep trying to tighten the loose one as much as possible hoping it'll eventually get tighter than the one I'm trying to break free?
I was able to loosen one of the bolts on the right side, but now I cannot get it tight enough again to break free the bolt on the left side.... because tightening it down involves tightening both together! Ones always going to be tighter than the other?
Quite a terrible problem to have - any tips? Just keep trying to tighten the loose one as much as possible hoping it'll eventually get tighter than the one I'm trying to break free?
New member
I just saw this exact question on another forum of which I am NOT a member, weird. HAHA! Anyway, the way I've always done it is with an impact. It seems to provide enough punch to counteract the opposite side. Gotta be careful though as you can easily strip the shaft threads. I use a Milwaukee 3/8" cordless impact which has more than enough power, maybe a 1/4" driver would work as well. Good luck!
No nut threads Yamaha's proprietary bolts. Imagine something would work as planned?
Edit: borrowed nut from another location on the skid. Impact worked. Thanks guys! Investment in learning it has been
Edit: borrowed nut from another location on the skid. Impact worked. Thanks guys! Investment in learning it has been
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I have completely lost hope. I took the brackets off and now I have to put them back on because the new skid's axel thread is crossed and stripped.
Maybe time to throw in the towel.
Maybe time to throw in the towel.
This project has taken everything out of me. Probably 24 hours in right now and nothing but setbacks.
Tried combination of parts from new and old skid.... Rear shock bolt ends up stripping so that it's stuck onto my only good axle. Wasn't even at spec torque when it stripped. Just garbage.
Seriously not sure what to do at this point. I have a sideways snowmobile with no skid and two Frankenstein skids with broken parts.
Tried combination of parts from new and old skid.... Rear shock bolt ends up stripping so that it's stuck onto my only good axle. Wasn't even at spec torque when it stripped. Just garbage.
Seriously not sure what to do at this point. I have a sideways snowmobile with no skid and two Frankenstein skids with broken parts.
well, you can do what i have done in the past. i tapped the stripped hole out to the next largest standard coarse thread size and drill the bracket hole out to match. i then blue lock tighted the bolt into the shaft. a group of teens have been running it for the last 3 seasons with no issue.