Hey members I'm going to replace the pto bearing and seal on a 600 triple, in the shop manual it simply says to heat up the bearing in oil up to 167 degrees and install. Sounds way to easy as it also says that you have to be quick in the install as the bearing cools and shrinks around the crank that's understandable, but any of you run into issues with this at all?
do it all the time at work for truck diffs. we use an old deep fryer with gear lube in it to heat the bearings up. a couple extra degrees of heat will not hurt and give you slightly longer to get it on. make shure you have a punch and hammer handy as some times it needs a tap to go into place properly. i prefer a brass punch but any one will do.
No wrong side ! The pto is the clutch side and it has @ seals and a huge bearing that was terrible to remove, this is the one that requires beingheated up and quickly installed . The other side ,mag side is the one your talking about! It simply falls off.
I use a heat gun to bring the inner race of the new bearing up to about 180 degrees. Then just slide it on. Be sure you have gloves on and a hammer and punch ready in case it needs a few light taps.
Got it done simply, sent it to a crank shop and they installed the bearing,new seal and did a phase and runout on it, it's ace!
New member
Done lots of tight bearings. Stick the crank in the freezer for a couple hours, heat up the bearing (I read a bulletin from Timken at one time that suggested to keep the bearing temp below 350F), lots of ways to do that. You can use an oil bath, wrap it in a bunch of wet paper towel and microwave it (works great and can't get hotter than 212), a heat gun, hot plate, propane torch if you're careful. Once the crank is good and cold and bearing is good and hot you just drop the bearing on and be ready to give the inner race a little love tap to seat it. Haven't had one stick yet.