Phazer clutch set up


New member
Jan 20, 2021
Prince Edward Island
Hey I have a 90 phazer 2 with a psi pipe,looking for clutch recommendations, I have 3 sets of weights 82m,8v0 and 87f,and 2 different springs a green and yellow and a green and blue,having a hard time getting my rpms up to 7250,only getting 6800 any suggestions??ypz clutches,also have a 47°helix and a 35°

Hi Transam

If you are limited to working with what you have then the "green-yellow", which is listed in reverse order on the attached chart, with the 8VO original "84" to "89" Phazer weights, will get you the highest shift rpm of any combination you have. I am not sure that it will get you as high as you need to be. The 8VO weights are also the worst performing of the group. If your secondary is at 35* you probably need to tighten it up a little.

Now, If you can locate the parts, I would highly recommend the following:

- Red-Green spring off the attached list. (or something as close as possible). You will probably need the maximum 3 engagement shims with that spring. You really need something 1.75 range for rate and at least 35 preload. The Red-Silver might work since the rate is a bit lower but the preload is quite high. They will affect each other. The engagement on that one might be a little more than you would want. Maybe there are some non-Yamaha springs in this range that will work. You definitely need a higher rate spring before you go to the next steps.

- You need to go up one tooth to 18 on the top drive sprocket. Please just trust me on this. It will really help the sled pull harder and you of coarse get the added bonus of more top end. The sled can pull it.

- I would try the 82M "Exciter weights". I believe they pull harder that the 87F "90 Phazer weights". The 87F are a little better for casual riding and maybe radar runs. If by some miracle you were able to find a set of weight made by Reichards Yamaha in the late "80s" to early "90s"please get them. They look very crude and are difficult to get enough engagement rpm with but they pull like nothing else.

- Next try to find a 45* helix. They were in 570 Exciters and "80s" Vmaxes. Run it at a relatively small twist.
I think you will want to engage at at least 4,000. Maybe as high as 4,500. Piped Phazers don't have much low end power.

I had a new heavily modified trail going "90" Phazer. It was very fun to take down DEAD STOCK 650 Indys and 650/700 Wildcats back in the day. I would run them a max of 1/4 mile. Any longer and they would blow by me at the end as they should. Those were the days.

Good luck with your project !


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Hey I know a local guy with a wall full of springs,he gave me a blue and white and a red and brown,40-280 and 45-275 he also has a white and yellow that he claims will work,I was aiming for 7250 but found out psi pipes are rated at 7500,blue and white spring has me almost there haven't tried others yet,also have a 47 helix now,going to try the 35 on a tighter twist,it's fun messing around,but sleds definitely woke up with the blue and white ever hear of it??thanks
I had two PSI Phazer pipes. Both ran best between 7,250 & 7,300. Last one was purchased in 1990. If they changed them after that and you are sure of the rpm cool. Mine would have definitely been past the best spot in the powerband by 7,500. I also would be getting closer to burning pistons on longer runs if I was that high or a little higher.
I tried both springs,blue and white took me to 7000 and the red and brown took me to 7250 7300,I'm.very happy with this secondary on b2 and will hold 73 as long as you keep the thumb pegged,woke the sled up big time from 6800 just going to let it be now
