There must be some differences in the bronze you can buy to make things like bushings out of.I make that statement because I bought some primary ones as well as a secondary one and all of them are junk now.The primary ones didn't last 200 miles and they were toast.They wore to the point they no longer touched the shaft and the secondary one I put in the helix had practically fused itself onto the shaft.I wouldn't have even found that if I hadn't been trying to take the belt off to remove the primary so I could change the bushing.I only bought them to try them and see if the tolerances would be a bit better than the oem ones,but I guess they're too soft for use in clutches.I had a helix one made years ago from oilite bronze and it has held up very well but the bronze ones I got were no good.
edit: Yes I know the thread is titled wrong but couldn't figure out how to edit it.
edit: Yes I know the thread is titled wrong but couldn't figure out how to edit it.
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I also experienced that same thing. I bought some maxximum primary bronze bushings last year and one of them turned into gold dust and there’s a lot of slop now. I haven’t had any issues with the other sled I put one on yet but that one hasn’t really had any miles put on yet. I think when I change the bad bushing out I’m going back to oem.
Checked the other sled out after roughly 30 miles and doing the same thing. It eats at the bushing leaving gold dust( Bronze dust) all over the clutch. Guess i wasted $ on the 8 i bought. I also bought 8 secondary ones that won't be getting used.Years ago i bought an olite bronze from ulmer for my helix and has held up well. Compared the two together today not even close. Ulmers way better.
I had so much bronze dust in the bellpan under he clutches ,I had to use a shopvac.