Trailer Lights: Wiring Help


Nov 14, 2005
Chicago SW 'Burbs
I have a Triton Elite 3-place trailer; all running lights come but the left turn signal will not blink; from what I've researched so far, it is most likely a grounding issue. I am hoping that the issue is right at the trailer light as I've heard the wiring harnesses for Triton trailers are pretty extensive, as well as enclosed in an aluminum channel. any troubleshooting tips or suggestions are appreciated! Thanks.

Apologies; it is a sealed LED light. I've got a replacement on order. I was able to take it out of the rubber grommet and the wiring looked good going to the light (no visible breaks/fraying, wear points).
Apologies; it is a sealed LED light. I've got a replacement on order. I was able to take it out of the rubber grommet and the wiring looked good going to the light (no visible breaks/fraying, wear points).

Got it. Ya if you have the power at the socket, its for sure the sealed light. I have switched all mine over to LED so the last longer.

i use one like this to check the truck works before i dive into the trailer plug or check it with


my box like this for checking trailer lights as i bought one for work.

new trucks with all the computers involved in the trailer lights can be a pita for chasing down issues. re did my trailer for an issue that the truck was causing.
Swap the good light to the left socket and see if the problem goes away.That will determine if it is indeed the light that's bad.Ground issues are generally a problem with trailer given their function and with sled trailers the fact a lot of them get parked for 8 months without being used.Corrosion has a lot of time to work at the connections.
you mentioned it doesnt blink ,, does it come on bright and not blink ?? Does it
brighten as a brake light ?? Presuming you dont have a "bright" tail light that is hiding a flashing
dim , running tail light.
I kept a short four to four harness that i could swap wires in connectors to compensate
for trailers wired different than mine..
If it comes on bright then expect bulb OK ..The fact it will flash the other should mean
your vehicle is is smart enough to handle LED bulbs as they dont have enough draw to
work older flashers.
Back your vehilcle up to a similar plug on another trailer and see how they work...
Expect single axle trailer and no electic brakes ,, and using an adaptor ,7 flat to 4 ??
Try a 7 prong trailer and a 4 prong? OR buy the tool Maim suggested..
Good luck
I bought the trailer tester and it is not the truck. It's a 7 round plug connector. I've got the new light and am going to wire in hopefully this week. Fingers crossed. I'll let you know. Thank you all!
the whip (cord) from where it secures to the trailer is what usually breaks down 1st from all the flexing when you turn. if you are lucky, just replacing the plug usually fixes it as it usually removed where the bend is when the plug is in place on the truck. i have been in the other boat where the whole whip was bad and had to install a new junction box as there was none on the trailer from factory.

great you are getting it figured out.
