upgrade mm700 yokohama track?


New member
Sep 28, 2021
New sled for me. Sounds like this track is terrible. It also is in poor condition in my case. What options do I have for swapping it out

Id like to keep it cheaper as this sleds not my biggest priority. From what I understand 141 stock size is unique to the mm700 so i was hoping to just get a 144 if it’s cheapest to do and easiest since theyre more commonplace.

What would i need to upgrade to like a 151? If its going to be expensive i wont. But i might come across used parts over the years.

the sr viper xtx also uses a 141" track. you will need to replace the drivers to match the pitch of the track you pick to replace it with. might be a few used ones out there for sale.

supposedly one of the best on/off trail track that is really good off trail. i liked it on the sleds i have ridden with it.
You should have 2.52 drivers on that sled. You can still get 144 x 2.52 and 151 x 2.52 tracks if you want to keep the drivers as is. I likely have a 144 x 2.52 ripsaw out back. Hartman Inc had good info on their site if you can find their old catalog or web pages. They made a kit to modify the geometry of the 141 to make better in deep snow. Seems like you could set your skid back or use track extensions (likely have some of those around too). You just have to not go too far on the setback or you increase the potential for stabbing the track on the front of the rails. There are lots of options.
Thanks ill keep my eye out for used stuff there. Have a bunch of family in Wyoming with snowmobile graveyards i need to peruse.
