had to pull the motor off my 98 xtc 700 to change the oil line underneath. what do you guys use for antifreeze?
i usually use the yamaha blue antifreeze or the blue nissan coolant in all the sleds.
yikes that yamaha blue is pretty pricy huh!i usually use the yamaha blue antifreeze or the blue nissan coolant in all the sleds.

Super Moderator
Any non silica 50/50 from auto parts store will be fine. Just make sure it’s the old green stuff!
yup. i converted all my sled to the blue yamaha antifreeze as they do not sell the green any longer and i was told that you can mix the yamaha blue with the old green stuff by dealer tec. gf has a nissan pathfinder with blue anti freeze and it is the same tine of blue as the yamaha coolant when compared in clean white cup. all additives looked the same when i last looked.