New member
I’m a rookie trying to understand snowmobile clutching. I followed Turks setup for sx700 race so primary - 8ca weights with 4.5g and 3.1g weights. Stock spring. 3 engagement shims. Stock head gasket and stock gearing. Secondary I have Dalton 51/43 helix and Yamaha silver spring at 90 degrees. It goes good on trail and flat ground and rips better than before but my issue is in deeper snow or playing on drifts it will start to bog. Seems like if any extra load is put on machine it bogs and takes a minute to recover. I’m wondering if I need a little more weight in tips of primary weights? Engagement is around 4K and peak is 8k I can’t seem to ever get 8400rpm like others do. Hope someone can give me some tips!
have you checked that it has the exhaust deflector installed? was a problem back in the day for guys powder riding these sleds.
New member
I’ve read some of those threads. I think it’s clutching cause I can hit a harder drift (not always in powder) and land and when I land the extra load makes it bog and it just takes longer to recover than I’d like
Lighten the weights. Take the 3.1 gram rivet right out.
Peak HP is about 8500
Should never see below 8300 while full throttle.
Peak HP is about 8500
Should never see below 8300 while full throttle.