Identify this 6 wire stator


New member
Mar 22, 2016
Ontario, Canada
This stator came off my 1987 Enticer ET340TL. Seems a tad rare, I cannot find the manual for this model, only the 340M model from 1988.

I believe the stator came from another sled, because it has 6 wires. I am guessing the sixth is for a battery charger - just a WAG at this point.

The stator's white and yellow wires appear to come both from the lighting coil, which is the largest and standalone. The red from the top of the double set, and the brown from the lower of the double set. The r/w of course is off the pickup coil (little guy). 6th wire is ground.

The plug configuration is a three wire plug for Black, Yellow, W/R, and then separate wires for Brown, Red, White.

The resistance specs on the stator:

white - 0.4
yellow (lighting) - 0.4
brown (source) - 275
red - 1
w/r - 19.7

Some of these resistance measurements match some model years, and some match others. For instance, the red wire at 1 matches most manuals I have seen with grip warmers. The 275 resistance for the source coil matches the Bravo source coil from early 90s, but the Bravo manuals I can find only have 5 wires. The 0.4 matches closely to a lot of lighting coils. The Exciters have 6 wires but not the triangle plug and the wires are a different color (they use blue a lot, and y/b)

Why am I doing this? I am trying to determine if my stator is bad or not, as part of an electrical issue diagnosis, which I would be happy to post in detail about later on.

The 340m version of the enticer manual from 88 has the source coil at 1275 - way off my 275.

Thank you - I am very curious where this came from. I don't completely rule out it is from the original 340TL sled, the part diagram mail order places (like Ronnie's Mail Order has the triangle plug but is only 5 wire. Could this be an addition or the TRL model?

Anything helps, and if anyone has the resistance specs for it, please share! Big thanks!

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My Maim man... Sorry :/

You nailed it, thank you. I overlooked the Ovation for whatever reason, but right in the 1988 manual on vintage sleds, there is the real photo of the harness with 6 plugs, and the resistances match:

lighting 0.24-0.38
source 220-330
pickup 16-24

I really appreciate your help.

no issues found -> replace CDI? I am running on 1 cylinder, but will start a new thread tomorrow. Thank you again sir.
I was hopeful when I pulled it off, but it only has the code H-1, with the H circled. I looked it up but didn't get anything similar, only references to an H1 stator, which looks completely different.

I have another stator here, which I also cannot identify. It has the coils parallel to each other, not in a V orientation. Fellow said it was from a 85 srv but I do not see that orientation on the parts diagram. It has 5 wires, yellow off the big coil on one side, brown off the lower middle size coil on the double stacked side, the w/r pickup off the smaller top coil on the double side, and the red wire bridging the two double stacked coils. No marking on the back of that either. Any hints on this one? It measures open on all but the lighting coil. I'd send this to anyone who wants it. Can post picture later today.

Edit: Add photo of second stator to identify - thanks!

yamaha stator-min.jpg
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