Took the carbs off after muni ride... i was getting a bog off idle and poor performace out of my viper.... the guys suggested cleaning carbs. took it over to my buddy's garage, found one of the read petals was completely broken off.... now its solved...
but one question.... what reeds to replace with? boyesen? stock yami? vforce?
but one question.... what reeds to replace with? boyesen? stock yami? vforce?
New member
Yes, go with stock reeds.
Active member
stockers, those aftermarkets dont really seem to add anything, and all we hear about is how they are always breaking. Yammy makes some good reeds
I run the V-Force II's in my srx with good results. There is no HP increase that is noticable on top end or anything. But there is a clear difference in throttle responce. As for durability, I have 10,000 miles on these reeds with no issues. We also just installed Carbon Tech Reeds in a 99 SRX and also a 2001 Srx with some decent results. Again, both riders felt a difference in throttle responce. ON the 99 he was running 87-90 MPH consistently. After the reeds he ran 92MPH every time down. For $130.00 I would say they are worth it.
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what about the boyesen power reeds, not the caged ones, just stock replacements?
New member
I heard from many reputable sources that Yamaha's stock reeds are the best in the biz, (for stock) as they really do their homework. Because of recent mods I've made to my 02' Viper I installed the Boyesen Rad Valve reeds system and wow what a diference in throttle response!!! I would not have installed them though if I didn't make the mods as reccomended by so many.
I Have V-force 2's I Like Them, I Have A Set Of Stock Ones Too If Ya Need A Set