2000 Yamaha Venture - reverse disengaging and loud noise


Oct 31, 2020
Issue that popped up today after a forceful reverse off the trailer with a semi-frozen track. Figured I must've burned a hole in the belt, which was a given, but then started to notice my reverse would suddenly disengage followed by a loud high pitched rattling. It would only disengage under any sort of resistance, with easy/flat reverse it would be no issue.

How bad did I mess it up 😅

sounding like after inspection, a linkage adjustment would not hurt.

Thanks for the help guys! I shortened/tightened the upper linkage from 15mm to 10mm and the problem completely resolved. Didn't touch the lower linkage... mostly because I couldn't reach.

Probably a band aid solution, but working fine now.

Coulnd't find the specs for my sled after reading the service manual, but going off of https://totallyamaha.com/snowmobiles/aaTECH/techpdf/reversegrind.pdf

Seems like 10mm is way off spec!
that is the specs for a 4 stroke sled. the proaction sleds are a different spec. as long as it is working good it should be fine.
