Phazer 2 Aftermarket Carb setups


Feb 28, 2022
I've been searching the past week, and haven't found setups using VM38s or TM(x)38s on a Phazer 2. You can get a set of brand new carbs for $240-$300, which I consider a steal! Not having to deal with crusty old carbs and rebuilds, only to have a clogged circuit and carbs that still run lean in the mid range(my sled has a Pipe Aaen).

I come from Stand Up Jet Skis, so my plan is to make this Phazer 2 ultra reliable and simple. Ripping out all the premix crap, TORS, old carbs, and going with a finger throttle for some real engine control. Thumb throttles are just silly and cause wrist/arm fatigue, while not allowing you to fully grip the bars. Finger throttle fixes all that.

Any photos of your VM38s setups on your Phazer 2s would be GREAT!

Thank you
Yes, it's a bit lite around here.... I'd help, but my experience lies on the 4 stroke side.
I run vmax 600 flatsides in my Phazer with a psi pipe and reeds,148.8 mains rest stock,you’ll need the throttle block and cable along with the chokes,you have to gut the Airbox or run filters, I run filters.
Thank you. I have heard of others putting the vmax carbs on the Phazers.

Any issues with the Hot Air? I'm researching cold air intake builds. Seems simple enough.
Thank you. I have heard of others putting the vmax carbs on the Phazers.

Any issues with the Hot Air? I'm researching cold air intake builds. Seems simple enough.
No, I have a scoop on the clutch cover that directs the engine air out, that tiny air tube on the Airbox seemed kinda small to me for what I’m doing with it,

I rebuilt the skid on my 1993 Phazer II. New bearings, plastic pulleys, slides, and lubed everything well. I decided to get a new track, since I had everything out. Went with a Camoplast Ice Attack track. It's beautiful :) I turned the drivers around on the drive shaft to get new edges. Replaced my jack shaft bearings and drive shaft bearings. Only ONE bearing in the entire drive train not seized, crunchy, or gritty!

I found some clean 95 VMAX 600 carbs for $130. Rebuilt them with Genuine Mikuni rebuild kits and new jets, 47.5 pilots and 150 mains, middle clip on the needle. Replaced all of my fuel line with Tygon. Rebuilt fuel pump. New Yamaha fuel filter(in the tank). Removed the oil pump, oil tank, and oil gear. All my toys are premix!

Installed the Cold Air intake kit.

Found a Venture 2up seat and recovered it like new. Now the wife can tag along for rides.

Test drove it Saturday. I can't believe how much better it glides and slides with the skid rebuilt, etc. The rear suspension was working, like it never did before. My pilot screws are 1.25 out. At 1.5 turns out, RPMs won't respond to idle screw adjustments.

The previous owner had 2 inch drops in the rear(right angle metal junk). I removed them and put it back to stock. Now the ski pressure up front is normal!

Trails are open, but it's cold. Need to tune the Mid to top end in.

My finger throttle comes this week. Bye bye thumb throttle.

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Got it on the trail yesterday. Wow this thing is a new sled compared to before!

My mains are too big. It was hard to pull past 55mph without feathering through it. I jetted down from 150s to 145 mains last night. Going to try it on on the trail today.
Your phazer sounds great. How was it the rest of the winter. I’m building a phazer much like yours. Re-living a childhood sled I suppose.
Had an 1988 with the cable pull flatslides back then. Now I have a 1990 black and gold beauty to do the mods on.
At this point, I've pretty much gone through everything except the engine itself! It's been fun learning snowmobiles.

I took the sheaves apart and found all kinds of fun. My sled had the incorrect size secondary sheave on it, and belt from who knows where. All the internal parts were worn out or missing. Helix was trashed, washers for offset were not quite right. Thank god I have the service manual!

I found a correct size secondary shave, rebuilt it and the primary with OEM parts. Also got the correct size belt. I have not had it back on the trail. Wisconsin had a horrible year for snow last year. Was too warm for our lake to even freeze over solid here.

I'm excited to run it this winter.
I hear you. I’m located in Belleville Ontario. Basically alongside Lake Ontario. We had challenging conditions last winter as
Well. Maybe this year! My PZ is in a million pieces but should be together in the next few weeks. Is this your first phazer? I have quite a few years on those machines. I’ve only had two though. A 1988 phazer deluxe completely trail tricked out 30 years ago and now the 1990 version that I am resurrecting for my boys to experience the phazer on steroids.
This is my first snowmobile. My friend had a Kitty Kat and a SnoScoot when we were 10-14.

I got into stand up jet skis at 19, sort of been an obsession....ruined my other hobbies. :)
This is my first snowmobile. My friend had a Kitty Kat and a SnoScoot when we were 10-14.

I got into stand up jet skis at 19, sort of been an obsession....ruined my other hobbies. :)
Well you picked one of the most reliable and iconic machines to start with. Excellent. It should work wonderfully for you. Best part is it’s quite an uncomplicated machine. If you have performance or tuning issues it’s not very difficult to dial it in.
When I asked my Jet Ski buddies from Minnesota what type of Classic sled to get, the Phazer topped the list.
Hi. How’s the phazer been running this season. Not much snow here in eastern Ontario. I’ve been out a few times. Tuning the little beast. My mains on the 38’s, have been to rich like yours. Back in the day I had 152.5 and 110pilots in the butterfly’s. I have my 38’s at 52.5 pilots (what came with my carbs 96vmax 600) with two turns on the air screw. Needle is now second from top with a washer. She is much more responsive on the top end, but still rich, I have 150 mains to install. That should bring it in. I actually thought it might have been the primary clutching holding my top rpms down.(7000max). However she was rich. I had started out with 157.5 and wow it was dead on top. I ride at just above sea level. My phazer is trail ported, with boyseen two stage reeds. The 150’s. are three steps from stock, so that should be about right most of the time. I do not have the cold air kit, otherwise I would likely be ok with the 152.5’s. Just have to watch the plugs close. Hope yours is running well.
I got my sled out once and started it up in December. We had snow for less than a week before it melted.

I'm waiting for some February precipitation. March is when we get the most snow here anymore.

Are you running premix or oil injection with that jetting? I'm runnning 50:1 Amsoil Dominator.
Hi. Lots of snow overnight here in eastern Ontario. I have retained the oil injection system. Hope you can get out riding soon. A late start for most of us.
